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Other Hobbies

Follow your heart is the phrase that was drilled into me as a child. What are you supposed to do when your heart has enough room for so many things? I have been told on numerous occasions that I have too many hobbies and too many passions in life. However, I can't help myself. I am so full of love for so many things in life and I can't help but just continue exploring all my passions.

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3d Modeling

This was one of my favorite things to learn while I was in college for 3d modeling and game design. I am still practicing and hope to have more work to share soon!

Sunset over Eagle River


I used to be a professional photographer. But it turns out, I am not very good at competitions. So now photography is just a hobby that I love and helps me in all my other work with getting my own references and having my own photos for design projects.

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Book Cover Designs


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