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My Art Collection

Here you can find a collection of various paintings from throughout my art career. Sorting them by materials and methods used in their creation. My art is also growing and improving and more creations are added constantly. Hopefully someday I will be able to sell prints.

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Growing up with only pencils and ink, allowed me to practice and hone my skills so that when I finally got my hands on some paint, I realized that I found my favorite thing in the entire universe. I am still learning and growing my skills and have recently started practicing with oils!
More to come!

Moving Castle mountain by me_edited.jpg

Everyone starts somewhere. Sometimes a pencil and ink pen are the only things we can get our hands on. But these pieces will always hold a special charm because they exist in the physical realm.

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I was in my early 30's by the time I got my hands on a digital drawing wacom tablet and stylus with pressure sensitivity. I am always learning and trying to improve.

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